This iconic couple made headlines around the world when they staged a week-long "bed-in for peace" at the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel, immediately after their wedding. The couple spent their honeymoon in bed, inviting journalists and fans to visit them and discuss the ideas of peace and love.
The bed-in was a peaceful protest against the Vietnam War and a call for world peace. Yoko and John used the media attention to spread their message of love and unity, and to raise awareness of the need for peaceful solutions to global conflicts.
The couple held a subsequent bed-in at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, and used their time in bed to record the song "Give Peace a Chance", which became an anthem of the anti-war movement. The song was recorded with the help of other musicians and guests who visited the couple in their hotel room.
The bed as a site of artistic practice has been explored by other artists—Tracy Emin’s ‘My bed’ being, perhaps, the most prominent example.
‘Rope piece’, a performance art piece lasting from 198-1984, saw artists Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh tied together with rope for an entire year. Beginning and ending on the 4th of July, what did the piece say about independence, and connection?
Image credit: Linda Montano and Tehching Hsieh
Like ‘Rope piece’, Lennon and Ono’s bed-in raised questions, attracted media attention, and explored intimacy and love (for one’s partner, and for the world) in a radical way.
Yoko and John's bed-in for peace was a groundbreaking event that captured the attention of the world and helped to inspire a generation of activists and peacemakers. Their commitment to using their fame and influence for positive change has continued to inspire people around the world, and their message of peace and love remains as relevant today as it was over 50 years ago.
Do you fancy staging your own bed-in? A high-quality print for your bedroom wall would certainly help to create an artistic environment...
Check out our Beatles-inspired Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite print here.
Cover image credit: Eric Koch / Anefo