Yesterday I had the great privilege of meeting Stephen Hawking in Cambridge and presenting him with a specially-framed copy of the silver-on-black Time Traveller's Invitation limited edition. I wasn't sure what to expect and figured that the meeting might be very short but in fact my wife and I sat and talked with Prof. Hawking and the wonderful people around him for a few hours. It was great fun and definitely a memorable experience.
He and I have something small in common - we both grew up and went to school in St. Albans. So we talked a little about that and also about how I came to create the print in the first place, the methods by which it was created and, of course, about time travel.
I'm pleased to report that Prof. Hawking loved the print and we agreed that I would send another copy so that he can have a print in his office at the university as well as one at home.
Who would have thought that (a) a humble poster could be the at the centre of a time-travel experiment or (b) making it would mean that I got to meet one of my heroes! Happily both are true.
See the black limited edition print
[Photo credit: Andrew Wilkinson]
Today, on what would have been George Harrison’s 82nd birthday, we’re taking a moment to celebrate one of the most influential artists of all time.
Here at Kite, Beatles history is one of our interests. We’ve covered everything from the band’s inception to its breakup, but there’s one Beatles moment we’ll never forget.